Jan 25, 2018 | tleppard | 640 views
Butterworth off to a good start in 2018
Butterworth Novice Local League started off 2018 with a game against Embro in the Carmeuse Lime tournament. After leading most of the game Embro got a late goal
to tie it to make the final score 3 to 3.
They started off the second half of their leauge games with a home and away series against Six Nations. Ingersoll won both of the games with scores being 8 to 2 and 8 0. Butterworth's then faced off against Norwich in a very close game which ended with a final score of 3 to 2 for Ingersoll. Next they traveled to Simcoe where after a hard working game the boys were able to pull out a 1 - 0 victory. Most recently the Butterworth's novice played Burford and with a well-rounded effort by everybody they won the game 11-0.