Nov 26, 2013 | jdeakin | 644 views
Battle right to the end!
The Midget LL Boys travelled to Port Dover on Sunday November 24th and battled it right to the end.....
The Midget LL Boys played a penalty free game on their end and just came up short with an 8 to 6 loss to Port Dover. Nothing to hang their heads about with this game at all. Port Dover got on the board first with2 quick goals with 5:50 and then 5:32 left in the first period, but we came back and Craig Wild scored with 3:32 left on the clock assisted by Matt Holmes to make it 2 to 1 after one period. Dover racked up 4 more goals in the 2nd period, 3 of them within one minute leaving Deakin frazzled, but we roared back and scored 3 goals in the second all by Matt Holmes, one assisted by Brock Swain, one unassisted and the other by Justin Han making it 6 to 4 at the end of the second period. Dover scored in the third first with 13:05 on the clock and Matt flew in again scoring with 11:40 left unassisted to keep us within 2 still. The third period ended with one more goal by Dover with 5:04 left and then another great goal by Craig Wild with 4:14 left on the clock ending our game at 8 to 6 for Port Dover. What an amazing fight the boys had with a never give up attitude! Way to go!