Jan 16, 2014 | mverva | 207 views
Tough Loss for Atom Team Tirecraft against Simcoe.
Team Tirecraft went on the road to play Simcoe on Saturday January 11.
Simcoe and Team Tirecraft battled it out in the first game of the A Division qualifying round of playoffs. Team Tirecraft held off Simcoe for the first seven minutes of the period. They had an opportunity when Simcoe sustained a tripping penalty, but Ingersoll was unable to capitalize on it. Simcoe went into battle mode and scored with three minutes left in the period. Team Tirecraft did not recoup and Simcoe scored off the face off. With less than a minute left in the first period, Simcoe scored again bringing the score 3-0.
The second period started off with the strong Simcoe team scoring one minute in. Team Tirecraft held off Simcoe for the remainder of the period.
Team Tirecraft tried to make a comeback during the third period. With Simcoe leading 4 goals up, it made it hard for Ingersoll to overcome the advantage. Final score Simcoe 4; Ingersoll 0.
Tough Loss Team Tirecraft.
Here is a little something something about #30 L. Bromley
Mr. Bromley is in his second year of hockey. He was given the name Lojo by his family doctor at birth. #30's favourite NHL player is family friend Justin Peters who is the goaltender for the Carolina Hurricanes.