Bill Batten Memorial Tournament, News, U11 Rep - Brokerlink, U11 (Atom), 2021-2022 (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

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Mar 09, 2022 | Andrea Kestle | 355 views
Bill Batten Memorial Tournament
The confidence is rising for The Ingersoll Express. Although they had a few tough games last week, it wasn’t going to reflect how they played for the tournament.

They start off the Bill Batten Memorial Tournament playing The Sterling Blues. A great start to the game with lots of chances for Ingersoll to score and amazing saves by Peter. Caleb scores the only goal in the third period that is assisted by Ryden. It wasn't enough to win but the boys played smart and held their own on the ice. The game ends with a 3-1 loss for The Express.  

 Saturday morning The Express were on the road at the crack of dawn to play Mooretown, but the first order of business was getting there. Mother nature wasn’t making it easy with drifting snow, whiteouts and road closures.  The Ingersoll express took the win against Mooretown 10-0.  

Here are the stats:
 First period goals scores by Ryden and Kohen

Second period goals Ty assisted by Levon and Kaelan, Levon assisted by Caleb and Kaelan, Kaelan assisted by Ty and Nolan and Ryden assisted by Kohen. 

Third Period goals scored by Noah assisted by Ronan and Caleb, Caleb assisted by Lawson, Ryden assisted by Kohen and Levon assisted by Ronan.

The second game on Saturday was against BCH Ice Dogs and once again the Express take the win. 

Here are the stats:
 First period goal scored by Kohen that was assisted by Ryden.

Second period goal scored by Ryden assisted by Kohen and Cameron. 

Third period goals both scored by Ryden with the first assisted by Ronan and Josh and the second assisted by Ty.

That ends the day for Ingersoll, and they set home to get some good rest for the semifinals Sunday. 

The First game on Sunday was against The Mitchell Meteors. The Express were primed and ready to fight their way to the finals. They play strong this game and are working together as a well-oiled machine, winning the game 4-1. Here are the stats:
 First period goal scored by Ryden, second period Josh scores and in the third period Chris and Lawson score.

Time to get some fuel and rest for the Finals against Lambton Shores Predators.

The boys were stoked to be in the finals and played an exceptional game. There were numerous saves by Peter to stop the Predators attempts and our boys applying lots of pressure. Even though The Predators won the game 7-1, The Ingersoll Express were so thrilled to make it this far. There was nothing but smiles on the ice as the boys waited for their tournament hats that they wore proudly for the team picture with their coaches. Way to go Express!