Sep 12, 2016 | rparsons | 1307 views
Final Roster
Congratulations to the 2016-17 Atom Rep Final Roster:
Nate White
Colton Macpherson
Landon Skevington
Tyler Watts
Ty Shapton
Ethan Cuthbert
Jonah Martire
Ryan Wolfe
Brody Williams
Isaiah Wallace
Nate Pike
Willie Parsons
Westin Matsumoto
Wyatt Thompson
I would like to thank all players for an excellent tryout! All released players should report to AE tryouts Tuesday at 5pm. Best of luck on your hockey season! I will be available for post tryout exit interviews at the arena at 6pm on Tuesday. Please send me a quick email so I know to expect you.
Coach Rob Parsons