BrokerLink Atom Reps looking for a win, News, BrokerLink - Atom Rep, 2013-2014 (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)
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BrokerLink - Atom Rep
BrokerLink Atom Reps looking for a win
This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
Mar 01, 2014 | gbailey | 877 views
BrokerLink Atom Reps looking for a win
After a loss and a tie this week, the BrokerLink Atom rep team is due for a win in Southern County playoff action.
The Atom Express came out a bit flat Thursday day as they hosted their rivals to the south, the Tillsonburg Tornadoes. Aden Brown scored Ingersoll's only goal in the 6-1 loss.
The Atoms traveled to Aylmer Friday night and turned up the heat on the Flames from the start. This was an exciting game to watch - great passing, great skating, great shooting, great saves. Ingersoll deserved the win...but it wasn't meant to be. Tye House and Cohen Belore scored for Ingersoll in the 2-2 tie. Fabulous effort Express!
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