Jan 28, 2020 | Brianne Gascoyne | 667 views
Express vs Burford (Team 2)
January 21 Ingersoll Express LL1 (sponsored by Vision Property Management) played Bufford at home.
This game was back and forth literally from the first minute of the game down to the last few seconds of the game.
Goals period one scored by : number 6 (Lucas Folkema) assisted by number 9 (Brandt Kloepfer)
number 18 (Owen Deal) unassisted
number 9 (Brandt Kloepfer) again unassisted.
Tripping penalty this period for number 9 (Brandt Kloepfer)
Shots on Ingersoll - 5, shot on Burford - 8
Goals period two scored by; number 14 (Brody Vanleeuwen) unassisted
number 9 (Brandt Kloepfer) unassisted
number 18 (Owen Deal) unassisted
Slashing penalty this period to number 10 (Brayden Ackworth)
Shots on Ingersoll - 10, shot on Burford - 12
Goals Period three scored by; number 10 (Brayden Ackworth) assisted by number 18 (Owen Deal)
number 18 (Owen Deal) assisted by number 14 (Brody Vanleeuwen)
number 6 (Lucas Folkema) unassisted
Tripping penalty this period taken by number 19 (Owen Lively)
Shots on Ingersoll - 12, shot on Burford - 7
Period one and two were played by number 33 (Justin Clarke)
Period three was played by number 1 (Graeme Arthur)
Congratulations to number 18 (Owen Deal) on his hat trick in the game tonight.
Final score of the game was Ingersoll 9 - Burford 8