Oct 16, 2019 | Lindsay Kruger | 474 views
Atom LL#1 Tirecraft Game 4
Saturday October 12th, 2019
Game #4 Score 1-3
Ingersoll Atom LL#1 Tirecraft against Waterford Atom LL
1st Period- Waterford took two shots right away on our net. #17 Kingsley S.B. attempted a goal, #4 Liam K. attempted another goal. Another shot on our net from Waterford followed by #9 Kyle V. and #10 Hayden S. taking two shots on Waterford's net.
2nd Period- started with our #6 Mason W. attempting a goal. Waterford attempted one right back. #9 Kyle V. Four more shots on our net- nice work defense players. Waterford scored the first goal. Two more shots from Waterford on our net- nice save Goalie #1 Logan W.
3rd Period- Another goal by Waterford. Both #17 Kingsley S.B. and #9 Kyle V. attempted to score goals. We received a penalty. Waterford scored another goal. Six shots in total on Waterford's net from our #9 Kyle V., #17 Kingsley S.B and #6 Mason W. Nice try kids. Another shot on our net. #9 Kyle V. scored our first and only goal. Waterford took two more shots. #6 Mason W. took one more shot. We received another penalty.
Final Score 1-3
Nice work team, you kept trying for a win. Thank you coaches.