Sep 02, 2018 | Jason Graham | 1699 views
Midget Rep Tryouts
The following players are asked to attend the next tryout
Tuesday September 4th at 9:40pm
The following players are asked to be at the next Midget tryout Tuesday September 4, 2018 at 9:40pm
M. Bain
C. Bragg
M. Berzins
M. Donker
E. Emmerson
A. Foster
E. Franklin
I. Fraser
N. Graham
T. Grey
C. Hammond
P. Hodgson
J. Holmes
S. Hutcheson
L. Knox
M. Overeem
M. Shelton
N. Spriel
B. White
The Midget Coaching staff thank those who attended thus far and as then to report to Local league skate.