Jan 21, 2018 | Cory Winkworth | 307 views
OMHA playdowns,game 2
Yesterday, the Ingersoll Tremblett's YIG Express travelled to Caledonia for game 2 of the OMHA play downs looking for a bounce back game and to come home with a victory.
In the first period, the game unfortunately started the way it ended the other night with the Thunder scoring another shorty. But, the difference this time around is that the boys came right back and tied the game with a power play goal. The goal went to Noah Muller with assists going to Jeremy Stiles and Kolten Winkworth. In the second the defence went into shut mode early allowing only 1 shot on goal in the period. With that being said, the teams exchanged goals making it 2-2 after the second period. The goal scorer for the Tremblett's YIG Express was Ryan Gregg with assists going to Jayden Strom and Kolten Winkworth. The Thunder goal was a deflection that Spencer Krajewski had no chance to save. In the third, the Thunder ran into serious penalty trouble and the boys made them pay on goals by Charlie Ashman's unassisted and Jayden Strom with assists going to Tyler Fleming and Charlie Ashman. The defence continued the shut down limiting shots to very few and blocking shots like a bunch of machines. Make the final 4-2 for the Ingersoll Tremblett's YIG Express.
Game 3 goes Tuesday at 7pm in Ingersoll.
Good luck boys!!!!!