Mar 15, 2017 | Chris Pare | 1068 views
Carmeuse Lime Peewee LL#1
Carmeuse Lime Peewee LL#1 finishes up a great season
Well it looks like another season of minor hockey has drawn to a close. The 2016/17 season was one of the best seasons I have been a part of as a coach in minor hockey and without dating myself it goes quite a ways back. This year I had the opportunity to coach a group of local league kids that had no quit in them. The Carmeuse Lime Peewees with an overall record of 25-6-5 and a league record of 23-4-5 had a very successful season and should be congratulated for excellent work ethic and this team was the model of what sportsmanship is. With only 11 players including a goalie, I would have expected a few more games with missing players but rarely was a teammate missing and in fact I believe on only 3 occasions did we have less than 11 players. This passionate group made it to the Inter-town Peewee A final, a feat only 2 teams can claim to have achieved. In a heart breaking 2-1 loss to a Norwich team that shortened their bench dramatically these boys made their coaches and fans proud with their fight to the finish. Well done boys!!! and I'm sure there is 11 boys signing up to play hockey again next season and that makes this coach one happy guy! A special thank you to everyone - coaches, trainers, managers and parents - that made this season one to remember.
All the best,