Nov 24, 2016 | Chris Pare | 736 views
Peewee LL#1 Game Action
Peewee LL#1 Carmeuse Lime team keeps rolling.
Oct 22 the peewee LL #1 met up with Waterford Wildcats #1 and did what they have been doing best. Spence got his 3rd shutout of the season! Ingersoll Express #1 walked away with 7-0 win with 2 goals a piece going to Bergman, Turner and Parkhill with Krajewski adding one. Assist go to Bergman, Pare, Turner (2) and Heeney
On Oct 25 Ingersoll devastated Langton #2 with a 12-1 win. Ingersoll kept the Langton goal keeper very busy with goals from Bergman (5), Turner (2), Heeney, Mullins, Brown (2) and Daltry. Every player made the game sheet with assists going to Turner (2), Bergman (3), Pare, Daltry (3), Mullis, Krajewski, Parkhill, and Freeman. Our defence didn't let much by them so Spence didn't get to see much action around the net.
After winning 12-1 against Langton Leafs #2 the boys felt unstoppable but unfortunately all good things come to an end. Delhi LL #2 came out hard and tried to take the wind out of Ingersoll's sails. Ingersoll had to work hard as Delhi was very strong in front of their net and made it hard to even get a shot off. But Bergman and krajewski found the back of the the net and kept Ingersoll in the game with the final score of 2-2
On Nov 6 Peewee LL #2 headed back to Delhi to meet up with Delhi LL # 1. They were just as strong as their #2 team but Ingersoll squeaked by with a 2-1 win. Goals go to Mullins and Parkhill with help from Heeney and Parkhill
Ingersoll Peewee #1 was up against another worthy opponent on Nov 8 against the Norwich Knighthawks. Ingersoll worked hard to tie the game 3-3 with all three goals going to Bergman with help from Krajewski. Norwich tried to out muscle Ingersoll to the puck but the boys dug their blades deep into the ice and fought back. I'm not sure if this spectator can handle too many more of these nail biting games! Way to stay strong Ingersoll!
Nov 15 Ingersoll played against the Paris Wolfpack LL#1 and won 8-1. Goals courtesy of Parkhill, Bergman (3), Pare, Heeney, Brown and Turner with assists going to Pare, Parkhill (2), Brown (2), Mullins and Turner(2).
Good job boys!