Carmeuse Faces O.M.H.A. Elimination, News, Minor Midget Rep - Carmeuse Lime Ltd, 2015-2016 (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 10, 2016 | kcalder | 1047 views
Carmeuse Faces O.M.H.A. Elimination
Last Sunday night at the Wallaceburg Memorial Arena, it was the Wallaceburg Jr Lakers who would overcome a two-goal deficit and claim the 4-2 win over the visiting Carmeuse Lime Ltd Ingersoll Express.  With the series then tied, the six-point Quarter-Final Series was turning into a three-game series and Game 1 was scheduled for 9:00 PM, Tuesday, February 9, at the Ingersoll District Memorial Centre.

O.M.H.A. Playdowns are a season onto themselves.  Any team can cool off or heat up and last night at the Ingersoll District Memorial Centre, it was obvious that Carmeuse Lime Ltd has cooled.  While the team continued to demonstrate their style of focused discipline, there was something missing; heat and the Jr Lakers were generating enough of their own to melt Carmeuse’s game.

No matter which way you look at the series; a six-point or a three-game, Carmeuse Lime Ltd must win tomorrow night at the Walpole Arena.  This is a team that is more than capable of doing just that.  This roster is reinforced with talent, chemistry and O.M.H.A. Championship experience.  If Carmeuse Lime Ltd can jump start their game tomorrow night, the series will turn into a one-game series which will be played at 9:30 PM, Thursday, February 18 at the Ingersoll District Memorial Centre.