Letter about Midget REP players tryouts, News, C.A.W. Local 88 - Midget Rep, 2013-2014 (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 29, 2013 | skings | 1354 views
Letter about Midget REP players tryouts
Ingersoll Midget Rep B 2013/14 Midget Tryout Process

The tryout dates are now scheduled for the Midget Rep. selection process. Please see the schedule listed within or check the IDMHA website.  

The format will be primarily skating, inter-squad and exhibition game, with some short skill sessions taking place. Goaltenders will be on the ice expected to do the skating drills as well, with evaluations during skill and scrimmage sessions. At this time we have between 40 and 45 players and goaltenders registered for tryouts.

An information session will be offered to parents on September 7th, from 8:15pm – 8:30pm at the rink.
Items to be addressed:
1) Coaching Introductions and Philosophies
2) Tournaments
3) Budget
4) Open question/answer session

Tryout Attendance

The Rep Tryout Policy stipulates that every player registered for the Major Midget tryout process must be given three skates and attend every tryout session unless prior arrangements have been made with the Coach well in advance of the start of the selection process. To ensure a consistent evaluation of players those attending Junior Camps should plan to attend a minimum of two Major Midget tryout sessions unless alternative arrangements have been made with the coaching staff.

Any exception to this policy will be reviewed by the Coach on an individual basis. Prolonged attendance at a Junior Camp does not necessarily transfer itself into a secured position on the Major Midget Team.

Midget Tryout Schedule as of August 28, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:55 PM - 10:15 PM Inter-squad game (releases after inter-squad)
Friday, September 6, 2013 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday, September 7th, 10:30-11:50 AM and
                                        9:30PM - 11PM (exhibition TBC)

Are You Ready To Give It Your Best Shot?

The foundation of the Major Midget team for the 2013/14 season will be based on skills and competencies that will allow for a focused drive to a successful season through great team play.

The Coaching Staff will be looking for specific individual skills that will allow the player to execute strategies at a high level with speed and accuracy. The measured competencies will ensure that the selection process identifies players that will work hard as a team towards our collective goals.

Although you may feel that you possess some or all of these skills, only those rating the highest in the combined areas will be chosen. The players and goaltenders will be rated within the selection process during the skills sessions, intra-squad and exhibition games.

My best advice for everyone trying out is to be physically ready and not stressed out about making the team. If you are physically ready the mental part of your game will be better, you will feel less stress and have greater performance.

Decision to Play Midget Competitive Hockey

The Midget Competitive program this season will take to the ice Saturday nights for home games and Tuesday nights for practices. With this information to the program, you can expect to be at the rink 2-4 times per week max.

Many players reading this find themselves at a crossroad of having to make decisions on the level of commitment they are prepared to make. Demands on your time come from school, family, jobs, sports and other relationships. These decisions have to be made with your parents who have your best interest at heart. School is your number one commitment for time management. If you and your parents feel the hockey commitment at this level will hurt your grades in school, please contact me before the team is selected.

Fair Ice Policy

At this level, fair ice does not mean equal ice. Please see the highlighted paragraph in “A Note from the Coach” at the bottom of this doc.

High School Hockey & Other Related School Activities

Grades 9 to 12 are important years for students to support their school programs and academic development. Whether those programs are geared towards leadership camps, band recitals, academic awards, ceremonies or sports, they all allow you to develop as a person. Players who have competitive level experience are important to the success of the sports teams and because of this the schools have expectations about your commitment to their program. The expectations are no different for the Midget Team. Its success is based on your commitment.

In order for you and your High School Coach to make an informed decision as to your available commitment to your school hockey programs, I will outline the Major Midget compromise:

1) Game days: No High School hockey/football is permitted unless there is a minimum of 5 hours between the start times of both events.

2) Practice days: High School hockey/football is permitted as long as you are able to make the Rep practice on time (dressed and on the ice at the start time). If a time conflict exists then the Rep team policy of attending all practice will trump High School hockey/football.

Being up-front, High School hockey/football schedule links will be given to the coach and manager as a requirement.

A Note from the Midget Coach

Please allow me to pass along this brief introduction and some information about myself, my philosophies and approach to coaching competitive hockey.

This upcoming season will be my 8th year in competitive hockey as a coach and executive. I’ve coached teams ranging from Minor Atom to Bantam, “B” to “AA.” I have also played competitive through my years in minor hockey, junior, university and in my younger later years Senior “A”. I am a Development Level 1 coach.

My philosophies and approach to the game are simple; the game must remain fun and kept in perspective. Hockey is a game of mistakes - learning from them takes time and patience. I believe in developing young adults not only as hockey players but good people. “We coach young adults who play a great game called hockey.” (unknown) This phrase reminds me not to overlook the important things in life. The personal side to coaching is getting to know your players, earning their respect and gaining their trust. Coaching with this mindset over the years has labelled me as a “Player’s coach.”

I do bring a firm yet fair approach to the rink and have an expectation that players work hard, play with discipline, encourage, support and compete for each other at each team event. When all your players buy into this concept, you become a “team”.

From the hockey side, coaching Midget is about preparing players (some) for a last year of competitive or junior hockey for those graduating from minor hockey. Developing a player’s mental toughness, skill set and knowledge of tactics and systems will give them a better chance to compete at the next level. Players develop and learn the game by being given the opportunity to play in all game situations. Experiencing the highs and lows of PP, PK and End of Game makes players mentally tougher. By playoff time, extra ice time is earned. Player’s who continue to work hard, display good discipline, compete at each team event and are playing a team game will earn extra ice. Play on the PP and PK, will be evaluated at tryouts to ensure the successful player’s are capable of filling these roles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 519-532-2252 or email me at [email protected].

Enjoy the upcoming long weekend and will see you on the ice!

Yours in hockey,

Jason Graham,
Coach, Midget Express