Waterford Tournament, Team Calendar, Cami Automotive (white) - PeeWee LL, 2009-2010 (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2009-2010 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintEvent Details
Waterford Tournament
Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:01 PM - Sun Mar 28, 2010, 5:01 PM
Location: Waterford
Waterford home visitor SCR
Thursday 7:00 P1 Waterford #1 Hagersville Friday home visitor
8:00 B1 Waterford #1 Simcoe 5:00 M2 Norwich Aylmer
9:00 M1 Waterford Paris 6:00 M3 Coldwater Oshawa
7:00 M4 Belmont Woolwich
Friday 12:30 P2 Waterford #2 Port Dover 8:00 M5 Mildmay Waterford
1:30 P3 Coldwater Oak Ridges
2:30 B2 Waterford #2 Paris Saturday
3:30 B3 East Lambton Woolwich 3:00 M9 Oshawa Mildmay
4:30 P4 Ingersoll Stayner 4:00 M10 Woolwich Ilderton
5:30 P5 Waterford #1 Coldwater 5:00 M11 Waterford Coldwater
6:30 B4 Belmont South Point
7:30 B5 Waterford #1 East Lambton
Saturday 8:00 P6 Waterford #2 Ingersoll Talbot
9:00 P7 Hagersville Oak Ridges Saturday
10:00 P8 Port Dover Stayner 10:00 B6 Waterford #2 Belmont
11:00 B7 Simcoe Woolwich 11:00 M6 Ilderton Norwich
12:00 B8 Paris South Point 12:00 M7 Paris Coldwater
1:00 P9 Oak Ridges Waterford #1 1:00 M8 Aylmer Belmont
2:00 P10 Stayner Waterford #2
3:00 open
4:00 B9 Woolwich Waterford #1
5:00 B10 South Point Waterford #2
6:00 P11 Cold Water Hagersville
7:00 P12 Ingersoll Port Dover
8:00 M12 Norwich Belmont
9:00 M13 Paris Oshawa
Sunday 8:00 B11 East Lambton Simcoe
9:00 B12 Belmont Paris
10:00 M14 Aylmer Woolwich
11:00 M15 Mildmay Ilderton
12:00 open
1:00 P consol
2:00 P champ
3:00 B consol
4:00 B champ
5:00 M consol
6:00 M champ
Peewee Midget
Group A Group B Group A Group B
Waterford #1 Waterford #2 Waterford Norwich
Hagersville Port Dover Paris Aylmer
Coldwater Ingersoll Coldwater Belmont
Oak Ridges Stayner Oshawa Woolwich
Mildmay Ilderton
Group A Group B
Waterford #1 Waterford #2
Simcoe Paris
East Lambton Belmont
Woolwich Southpoint
Group A Group B
Waterford Norwich
Paris Aylmer
Coldwater #2 Illderton
Mildmay Oshawa
Belmont Woolwich
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