IDMHA Annual General Meeting, News (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

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Feb 12, 2023 | Jamie Belore | 828 views
IDMHA Annual General Meeting
Sunday February 26th 2023
10:30 am - 11:30 am 
Arena Auditorium 

Agenda .....

  1. Approval of the 2021-22 AGM Minutes 
  2. Receiving & approving the review of the financial report of the Association, and a projected financial position for the upcoming year;
  3. Consideration of any proposed amendments to the Letter Patent of By-laws of the Association;
  4. Election of New Directors to the Board
  5. Positions available for election
  • Vice President - (must have served one year on exec.)
  • Treasurer
  • Equipment Manager
  • Ice Scheduler
  • Fundraiser


Nomination forms will be available on website.  As per our election procedures, nomination forms must be completed by all nominees and two (2) nominators who are Members of the Association, and returned to our Secretary prior to January 25 2023 so that a listing may be posted on the Association website, of all eligible  nominee's and identify the position they are seeking.

Proposed amendments to the IDMHA By-laws will be accepted up until January 25th 2023.

No other IDMHA business will be entertained during this meeting.


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273 King Street West, Ingersoll, ON N5C 2K9 519-425-4406 Manager: Robert Tremblett
Tiny's Automotive Services
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Canadian Tire Ingersoll
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Searles Motor Products
348 Harris Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C3J8 Phone: (519) 485-0720 Fax: (519) 485-1434 E-Mail: [email protected]