Oct 13, 2022 | Jamie Belore | 4628 views
Goalie Development
Goalie Development will start this Friday October 14th with 2 sessions, one at 5 pm and another at 6 pm. Groupings are below ...
W. Dench (U9 LL)
J. Sivyer (U11 LL)
G. Dow (U11 LL)
T. Baker (U9 Rep)
B. Prikken (U11 LL)
S. Crane (U11 Rep B)
J. Ford (U15 LL)
H. McDonald (U13 LL)
P. Salverda (U13 Rep B)
J. Pinard (U15 Rep B)
E. Young (U15 Rep B)
N. Crane (U14 Rep Woodstock)
M. Cudney (U18 Rep B)
T. Belore (U18 Rep C)
S. Leppard (U13 Rep B)
L. Walters (U13 Rep C)
S. McRoberts (U13 Rep C)
J. Clarke (U15 Rep C)