Sep 18, 2024 | Chris Lamers | 617 views
U11 LL will play a game on Friday September 20 at 5pm.
This game will assist in the final roster decisions for the upcoming season.
Please ensure your player is there, so executive and coaches can work to balance the teams as best as possible for the upcoming season.
The following list will divide the teams for the scrimmage (these may not be the final rosters)
Please wear black or dark colored jersey
John Hall
London Martin
Bentley Pereira
Zeppelin Young
Karter Knapp
Daxton Forbes
Eli Neddo
Marley Duwyn
Ayden Balger
Kyren Jeffery Robson Lentz
Grayson McCartney
Ali Shier
Dylan Park
Please wear light or white colored jersey
Jackson Douwes
Jude D'Emilio
Kohen Anderson
Brody Robles
Luke Malecki
Luke Hammond
Brock Holt
Bryson Meriam
Cooper Markus
Jace Markus
Emmett Douwes
Owen Percy
James Schmidt
Mason Williams
Thank you
IDMHA Hockey Operations