I.D.M.H.A Annual General Meeting, News (Ingersoll & District Minor Hockey)

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Feb 15, 2024 | Jamie Belore | 764 views
I.D.M.H.A Annual General Meeting
Update, the AGM is Sat Feb 24th.


Saturday February 24 2024 from 915am-1015am
Arena Auditorium

Continued ....

1. Approval of the 2022-2023 AGM minutes.
2. Receiving and approving the review of the financial report of the Association, and a projected financial position for the upcoming year;
3. Consideration of any proposed amendments to the Letter Patent or By-laws of the Association;
4. Election of new Directors to the Board
Nomination forms will be available on website. As per our Election Procedures, nomination forms must be completed by all nominees and two (2) nominators who are Members of the Association, and returned to our Secretary prior to February 16 2024, so that a listing may posted on the Association website, of all eligible nominee's and identify the position they are seeking.

Available positions are

Risk Management
OMHA Convener
Referee in Chief
Tournament Director

Proposed amendments to the IDMHA By-laws will be accepted up until February 16 2024.

No other IDMHA business will be entertained during this meeting.

AGM Nomination Form 
Canadian Tire Ingersoll
98 MUTUAL STREET INGERSOLL, ON N5C 1S5 98 MUTUAL STREET INGERSOLL, ON N5C 1S5 Phone: 519-485-3900 Fax: 519-425-1140 Service Phone: 519-485-3900
Searles Motor Products
348 Harris Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C3J8 Phone: (519) 485-0720 Fax: (519) 485-1434 E-Mail: [email protected]